Wednesday, October 10, 2007

September 24, 2007

Today I had my Pre-Op Appointment and the kids went with me and they were so good. Since they were so good during my boring appointment I took them to Chuck-E-Cheese for a treat! I didn't tell Jack where we were going so when we pulled into the parking lot he said "Chuck-E-Cheeses! Really Mom?" So cute that there made my day!

Gillian all cozy on her bouncer! Sleeping in her crib!Chuck-E-Cheeses!!! What fun!! We had a blast! Jack kicking a soccer ball.
Jack eating pizza not really wanting to smile for a picture! Watching the show while eating dinner!Back to eat more pizza! Jack being silly! Gillian asleep in her car seat! She actually had a lot of fun as well. She is a people watcher and thought this place was funny. She just watch the kids (mainly her brother!) play and love the music and kept smiling the whole time until the end when she fell asleep. I didn't want them stamping her hand so she had to wear a sticker with the stamp on it!Jack and Gillian getting ready to leave after a Very Fun evening!
September 25, 2007
Today we had swimming lessons. Then went to Mom and Iain's house to water the indoor plants.
Swimming Lessons
Tummy Float
Kicking there toy's as far as they can.
While I was getting Gillian out of the car Jack ran to the front door. When I got to the front door he was in between the screen door and the front door. Silly kid I thought he was stuck but no he had done this on purpose! So I had to take a picture or two!
Jack was SOOO tired after swimming lessons.
Gillian sleeping! So peaceful!
Back at home Jack all cozy on the couch!
Jack with his Teddy Bears: Lula and Swanson
September 26, 2007
Gillian is 13 weeks old today!!!!
Gillian in her bouncer.
Jack lounging while I made breakfast.
Gillian looking at her hand/arm moving it up and down. She was fasinated.
Jack came in to see what we were doing and gave Gillian a big hug but Gillian kept her eyes on her hand/arm.
Close up!
I just love it! It is just so amazing watching a child learn about the world and trying to figuring everything out.
Jack holding onto her hand.Gillian.Jack "The Pirate!"
Jack coloring.He is so handsome!
Big Smiles! Gillian sitting on the couch!She looks so big in this picture!
Jack and Gillian! Gillian's look is Priceless! Like do we have to take MORE pictures? Come on.....Another great face from Gillian while Jack is giving her a kiss! This picture just makes me smile!Tummy Time! "Really Mommy?! Come on!!!"
What a great family I have! I am so blessed! Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the ones on the couch! You're right...Gillian looks so big! Her little cheeks are getting chubby too! These pictures made me want to hold her and give her kisses! Only 5 more weeks until I get to see her!


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