Sunday, November 23, 2008

Pee Pee in the Potty!!!

So Gillian is doing SO good with potty training! She has advanced so much even in the last week. She has does NOT like diapers and wants to run around naked so I thought that maybe she is ready for Big Girl underwear! I got her some Princess Underwear and she loves them!!! The other day we went to Jack's school for his Thanksgiving Celebration and she said "Poop Poo Mommy!" And wanted to go to the potty. I asked her if she could wait until we got home and she said "Yes" and I was thinking that she would just go in her diaper. BUT NO she waited until we got home and Poop Pooed in the potty! Today at the park she told me again that she needed too "Poo Poo" and I again asked to wait until we got home and guess what she waited and went into the potty! I am SOOOO proud of her!

Gillian SO proud of her new Underwear!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Family Photo Shoot!
November 8, 2008
By Pure Child Photography ~Miki DeVivo

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Trick or Treat
October 31, 2008
What a fun time! This was Gillian's 1st time Trick or Treating. Last year she was 3 months old and I just held her while Jack trick or treated. Jack had a blast helping Gillian go to house to house trick or treating. They both were very polite. After saying Trick or Treat they would say Please and Thanks! Then Jack at one house said " Thank you have a Great night!"
The kids getting ready to Trick or Treat

Gillian leaving our house! Jack so excited to get started!The kids at their 1st house!
The next house.Daddy and Jack going to the next house!
Gillian got tired early so we came back and Daddy and Jack stayed out for a while longer.
She was SOOO thirsty!
Look at that hair!
MMM Water!
Gillian looking at our Trick or Treating candy for the kids!
Her crazy hair after being in her costume!
Jack and Daddy looking at all the candy!
Gillian's bowl of Candy!
Jack's Bowl's of Candy!!! WOW!!What a great and fun Halloween!

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Jack's School Halloween Party!
October 31, 2008
Lil' Jags Preschool
Mrs. Maurisak
The class went around the High School for a Parade and to trick or treat. They had so much fun! And so did all the Mom's and Dad's! Then after the parade they had a great party with LOTS of food!
SpiderMan Jack
Social Butterfly Gillian The kids playing all around the playground!
Brady the Fireman LOVES Gillian and plays with her every chance he gets!
Joey, Brady, John and Jack racing around the playground
Gillian LOVES this shopping cart!
Jack and Daniel playing
Jack and DanielSpiderMan and Batman fighting crime!
Peek-a-booThe kids in line ready to go into the High School for there parade. Jack and Connor are line buddies.

Connor, Jack and Daniel
Class Halloween Photo Preschool and Pre-K class all together.
Jack and Connor on there way again!
Jack and Dylan
Jack's Classroom
Jack getting food and Mrs. Maurisak getting it ready.
Jack eating!
Eva (I can't remember her name!!) JackGillian enjoying some food!
Gillian playing in the play house in the playground!
Jack got SOOOO Much candy during their parade. His 1st school party!


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