Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Trick or Treat
October 31, 2008
What a fun time! This was Gillian's 1st time Trick or Treating. Last year she was 3 months old and I just held her while Jack trick or treated. Jack had a blast helping Gillian go to house to house trick or treating. They both were very polite. After saying Trick or Treat they would say Please and Thanks! Then Jack at one house said " Thank you have a Great night!"
The kids getting ready to Trick or Treat

Gillian leaving our house! Jack so excited to get started!The kids at their 1st house!
The next house.Daddy and Jack going to the next house!
Gillian got tired early so we came back and Daddy and Jack stayed out for a while longer.
She was SOOO thirsty!
Look at that hair!
MMM Water!
Gillian looking at our Trick or Treating candy for the kids!
Her crazy hair after being in her costume!
Jack and Daddy looking at all the candy!
Gillian's bowl of Candy!
Jack's Bowl's of Candy!!! WOW!!What a great and fun Halloween!

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