Friday, April 29, 2011

Gillian's "Field Trip" Playing Games

February 28, 2011

I loved having Gillian's preschool in the High school. Such a wonderful program. One of the High School classes made games that were for Preschool age kids. They wanted to test them out on the Lil' Jags to see if the kids enjoyed them, and that they were age appropriate..... Gillian was in the first group to try out the games. She had to be at school a little bit earlier then normal which worked out great so Jack and I could watch a little while. 

Gillian signing in for the day!

Gillian playing her 1st High School Game.

Onto another game!

Back in her classroom, playing Mommy.
At the end of each day she had to erase her name
Ready to go back home!

She had such a fun time playing all the fun games that the High School Class put together for them!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Gillian Making Special Cookies at BCHS LiL'Jags Preschool 2-25-2011

February 25, 2011

Just another fun day at Gillian's preschool in Anthem. It was one of the students birthday's and they invited her Grandma to make these special cookies with the class. What a fun idea!!!! They all had a blast!  

Gillian with her finished cookie!

Lil' Jags Class 2010-2011


Everyday Gillian and a few of her friends would run to this little area right outside the school and "hide" from us! =)

Sunday, April 10, 2011

So I guess I post too many pictures!!!!!

LOL so I started uploading images for my post today. I was super excited to be on top of the blog and be up to date!!! I was going to blog about the CSU International Fair the kids and I along with my good friend Audrey and her oldest daughter Logan. We had a blast!!! I took a ton of pictures OK well maybe only a handful of pictures. But anyway I wanted to share them with you all. But then I get this nasty alert from Blogger!! Saying and I quote:

"Whoops! You're out of space. You are using 100% of your 1 GB quota for photos."...... 

 Oh No say its not true!!!!! So looks like I need to go through my images and DOWNSIZE a bit. I have been blogging since 2006 and knowing how many pictures I take and the handful I post on here...... So sad news to say I will NOT be posting the wonderful pictures from our day at the kids fair until I can get more room in the storage for more pictures! 

And of course what's a BLOG without pictures!!! So I found a few from past blog post! 

Here is one from June or July 2007 at the Back Porch restaurant Fort Collins, Colorado Audrey, Logan and Jack. So glad I found this image Jack and Logan have been special friends for a very long time!!! ;)

Sweet Baby Gillian 2007 New West Feast Old Town Fort Collins! Love this image of her!! She was so clam and peaceful! =) We had just got back into town from a nice picnic and hike up the Poudre.

LOVE this picture of Jack! 2007

Thanks for reading!!!

CSU International Kids Carnival

 {Ya! I can now post more images!!!!}

Such a fun Day! CSU had this wonderful event there was games, music, dancing, fashion show and activities. Each station had a different craft from a different country. Kids had a blast going from station to station. We got there around 2:30pm and left around 5pm and we didn't get a chance to visit all the booths. I hope they have this event again next year!

Hand in Hand

Jack and Logan walking in to the event!!! So sweet! <3

Audrey, Logan, Gillian and Jack making a bracelet with a bell. Girls made pink of course and Jack's was Black.
 Making Masks

 Gillian's finished Mask! Fun!
 Jack, Logan and Gillian with their finished masks.


Logan went first! 
 Then Gillian. {Jack didn't want a henna tattoo}

 Gillian had both hands done. Audrey and I got one too! =)
 Gillian coloring!

 Jack coloring
 Logan coloring
 Jack drew the Pirate ship!
 Face painting time!!!

 Pretty Flowers

 Jack and his spider and Logan with her Hearts!
 Eeee Spider! ;)

 Hand prints on a flag.

 Jack made a Poi Ball

 Bead Bracelets
 Making a Flag
 Cotton Candy outside the Ball room

 Cotton Candy Face Gillian! LOL
 Mmmm Cotton Candy
 Happy Girl Leaving the Event! =)

We had a Blast! Thanks for reading! =)

Have a fabulous day! =)


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