Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Gillian POOPED in the POTTY today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As well as peed 3 times!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yahoo! She is so amazing!!!!! We are just so proud! Had to share!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

How do you know when she needs to go? Do you just take her often enough that she doesn't wet? I was just wondering since she doesn't talk much yet. Wow...what a smart girl!

Kristin McConnell said...

I just watch her body movements and put her on the potty when it looks like she is about to do something. But I also just put her on there often. Like 1st thing as she wakes up from a nap or 1st thing in the morning. Yesterday she crawled to the bathroom door and was tapping at the door so I took her. We are only on day 3 of potty training so we have a long ways to go. Which is fine since she is only 10 months old.

Anonymous said...

That's cute that she crawled to the bathroom :)


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