Loading Day. The truck was dropped off at the house March 7th. Mom, Dad, Bob, Mom, Iain and Jess all came to help.
The Truck
Grandpaski chasing Jack in the truck. Grandpaski and Jack playing
Stating to load the truck.
Jack walking up the ramp
Gillian playing in her port-a-crib in the garage watch us load the truck
Gillian and Grandpa Bob
Getting full
Auntie Boook and Gillian
Auntie Boook and Jack watching a movie
Getting full
Auntie Boook and Gillian
Auntie Boook and Jack watching a movie
Gillian playing
All loaded and packed in tight ready to be picked up!
There she goes ALL our STUFF on its way to AZ
All loaded and packed in tight ready to be picked up!
There she goes ALL our STUFF on its way to AZ
Well as you all know that everything got here to Arizona safe and we only had a couple things break! I have to say DON"T go with You Pack Packing Company! Not a very good experience but at least they got everything to us!
Thanks for reading .
Have a Fantastic day!