Dancing with the Stars watch out for Gillian Taylor!!!!!
October 28, 2008
She loves to watch Dancing with the stars so we DVR it and let her watch it during the day! =)
Dancing with the Stars watch out for Gillian Taylor!!!!!
October 28, 2008
She loves to watch Dancing with the stars so we DVR it and let her watch it during the day! =)
A huge Turkey at the petting zoo at the Corn MazeThe McConnell's being Silly! King of the Mountain. The Family Maze was so much fun they had mail boxes with clues and trivia through out the maze. Jack was awesome with finding these mail boxes! Our cute couple pose! =)Gillian and Daddy! Pretty Sunset in the Corn Maze
Gillian and IDaddy and Jack being crazy! Sweet GillianJack and Gillian
Gillian walking towards the 3 Little Pigs Houses Gillian in a box full of cornJack racing ducks with a water pump Anthem Autumnfest October 26, 2008
Gillian picking out her pumpkin at the pumpkin patch.
Jack picking out his pumpkin at the pumpkin patchGillian looking at the ducks on the lake.