Sunday, June 10, 2007

Happy Birthday Jack!!!!!!!

Today my baby boy turned 3!!!!! I can't believe it! Time flies so fast! It seems like yesterday he was born. We had a great day! I made him his favorite breakfast of pancakes and eggs (I didn't have bacon which he loves ) Then our neighbors came over with there little boy and gave Jack a present. Then we went to City Park to go fishing, Jack caught 3 fish! I am so proud of him. Then we went to the actual park part and met up with Grandma, Grandpa,Uncle James,G.G., Aunt Sandy, GaGa, Grandpaski, Auntie Booke, Grandpa Bob, Audrey, Logan, Dave, Mitch and Chris. He opened gifts and ate cup cakes. Then Grandpa took him on a train ride. Then we rode the paddle boat which Jack thought was so much fun. Then off to GaGa's house. She bought him a pool with a slide and had it set up for him when we got there. He played in the pool for about 2 hours. Come home at dinner and watched Shrek. What a busy day but a fun day. Yesterday we took him to Water World and then Casa Bonita for dinner. Jack had a blast a Water World and at dinner. We wanted to make his B-day as special as we could! I think he had a great Birthday!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How fun! You guys did a great job planning his birthday! I LOVE Casa Bonita! What a great day!

Happy Birthday, Jack!


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